Dear Curiosity Journal,

As we cross the threshold into a new year, we want to express our gratitude to everyone who has been a part of Driftless Curiosity in 2024 – participants, visitors, volunteers, sponsors, board members, partners, collaborators, and folks who watch us from afar. It means so much to us to have your support. We had so much fun celebrating the Winter Solstice with our community, our last event of the year! We built a yule altar, walked the solstice spiral, created an abundance of crafts, sledded, hiked, skied, visited, drank cocoa, ate cookies, heated up in the sauna,  plunged into the cold tank, and burned our candles through the longest night! It was a meaningful and exhilarating way to close out our season! We hope to see you all back on the farm in 2025. Stay tuned to learn about the creative and collaborative programming we’re whipping up for the coming season…after I embrace the quiet of winter…for just a little longer. 
