Dear Curiosity Journal,
I’d been looking for Icelandic ewes to pair with our Icelandic ram, Tuxy, but hadn’t had any luck. So when I got a call back about these two beautiful, registered, moorit ewes, I swallowed the 10 hour round trip and spent the day/night on the road, which gave Rufus a jolt of shock and worry. However, excitement and determination carry their own caffeine, and he could see that my mind was made up. I pulled back into the farm around midnight (way past my bedtime), beyond happy to be home. In my sleep-deprived delirium, I somehow allowed one of the ewes to jump out of the van and run off into the pitch black of the night. Mayhem. The poor gal had a long van ride, and didn’t know us, the farm, or the other animals, so I feel like it’s kind of a miracle that we were able to capture her relatively quickly. Rufus was half awake, having flashbacks of chasing cows, and promptly went back to bed once we got her in the barn safely. As tired as I was, I couldn’t help but stay up and admire them for a bit. They are beauties. The bigger lighter brown ewe is Amber and the smaller, darker brown ewe with the black face is Loma. Welcome to the flock family! They are in with Tuxy now and we’re hoping for some purebred Icelandic lambies in May.