Dear Curiosity Journal,

Almost a month has passed since the 4th Annual Driftless Region’s Dia de Muertos Celebration, and as the dust settles from our festivities, the actual Dia approaches (November 1st and 2nd). The marigolds stand frost-wilted in the field while the wheel of farm life spins forward. I’m so proud of our team for all that we accomplished, while also enjoying the return to the simpler routines of tending to the plants and animals. Rufus and I got back into the flow of our winter CSA season this week, as familiar as muscle memory. I’ve unbuckled the tension tying me to my rigid event to-do list and turned my attention to the end of the growing season, to canning, drying, freezing, and saucing the harvest, to tending the flock, as well as myself. It’s a truly beautiful and celebratory point in the season when we can start slowing down and reading books! There is still much to be done, but it feels like we’re on the downhill slope now!
