Dear Curiosity Journal,
Behind the scenes of the Driftless Region’s Dia de Muertos Celebration is a particular brand of Capricorn consistency, bordering on compulsive organization. I’m a list lover and get a kick out of compartmentalizing activities into bins, taking inventory, labeling, and most of all, checking items off my to-do list. With each check off the list, my load is lightened and my ability to enjoy the festivities is heightened. Over the weekend, I went through all of the Driftless Curiosity supplies, purged what was no longer needed, organized everything according to the Dia de Muertos event needs, took photos, and built a pallet that is ready to go. I’ve found that this helps volunteers in their tasks and reduces the number of questions I’m asked and the number of times I have to run to retrieve an item for someone (which is how I spend the majority of the event). In our 4th year, I feel like I’m learning to anticipate and plan for the needs which often emerge. For example, without fail, someone will ask me for tape, staples, string, etc. There will always be new needs popping up, but I do my best to plan for what I usually get asked, so that I can enjoy more of the beautiful moments of the event.