Dear Curiosity Journal,
Preparations for the Driftless Region’s Dia de Muertos Celebration continued this week with a whirlwind of Mexican folk-art workshops at Youth Initiative High School. Gaby, Renee (Gaby’s dad), and I were excited to return to the Spanish classes to teach the students how to make sugar skulls, paper mâché, and papel picado. The class periods were only one hour, but the youth did a wonderful job of getting into the projects and pumping out some beautiful art for the celebration. It was fun to see the seniors, who we taught last year, remembering the techniques, getting creative, and practicing their Spanish. These projects will be incorporated into the ofrenda and art exhibition at the celebration on Saturday, October 5th from 2 PM to 7 PM. The month-long process of creating the art is an important part of sharing the culture, remembering our loved ones who have passed away, and honoring their life through creative expression. We’re so thankful to Shawn Lavoi and the students of Youth Initiative High School for sharing this meaningful tradition with us. Muchas gracias!