Dear Curiosity Journal,
On our third move of the mobile fence, the process is becoming easier. This particular paddock was marked by the challenge of pressing the posts into the massively compacted driveway, but we have hammers for that. The sheep are getting trained to the routine and seem excited to be moved into a new environment they can munch and explore. It has worked quite nicely to have them clean up the fenceline, side of the greenhouse, and edge of the barn. We don’t leave them on a spot long enough for them to graze it all the way down (1 – 2 days), but they do a wonderful job of taking out the majority of the forage and exposing any debris, so that it’s easy to come through with a mower to finish the job. Every animal on the farm needs a job, and this crew has been hard at work taking down ragweed, thistle, and burdock, earning their keep and growing their fleece.