Dear Curiosity Journal,

Herb processing has been on pause as I’ve been pressing through other priorities, hosting events, tending to a sick sheep, and keeping pace with the gardens. So, on Sunday, after deworming the flock, I turned my attention to my ongoing drying projects. I’m so grateful to our friends Kelly and Tim who lent me their dehydrator, allowing me to speed up the process and ease my anxiety about lurking moisture and the potential of the dreaded case of mold. I snipped stems and set single layers up, spending the afternoon communing with yarrow. I breathe in her essence, meditate on her magickal qualities, and envision being encircled by her protection. I figured enough blossoms passed through my fingertips to cover me through the compounded full moon and retrograde energies. As we near the end of summer, these blooms feel ever more precious, pushing me to keep collecting through my seasonal race against time and temperature.
