Dear Curiosity Journal,
On Saturday, we hosted a lovely group of gardeners for our first flower farming workshop. One of my favorite elements of hosting agricultural education is learning from the collective wisdom harvested from each individual’s growing experience. I must admit that I had a bit of “imposter’s syndrome” going into teaching this class. Although I have 8 years of experience, have read books, done my research, and successfully grown some flower crops, I wouldn’t consider myself an expert, and there are plenty of other local growers who know far more on the subject. However, I like to believe that there are no definitive experts when it comes to farming. Each person’s land, infrastructure, equipment, management, and vision are so unique. Like flowers, there are no two exactly alike. I’ve gleaned what I know from a multitude of farmers, grabbing what I think will work for our operation, and somewhat making it up as I grow. My hope is that we can do the same for others, sharing our space, our particular set of knowledge, inspiring what will work for others, and spreading our specific joy of making the world a bit more beautiful.