Dear Curiosity Journal,
Our little lambies are getting so big already! They are almost 2 months old and growing strong and spunky. The ewes seem to be getting impatient with the lambs hammering away on their udders and tend to walk off pretty quickly these days. Betty still tolerates her twins, who fully lift her hind legs off the ground when they come in for a double drink, but Cauliflower is over it. The babies venture further from their mothers and are curious about everything. I love to watch their playful ramblings together, jumping off of hay bales, climbing up on any elevation they can get their hooves on, bucking around, head butting each other, and testing the goats. They embody the light-hearted essence of childhood, which seems so far-fetched when you’re all grown up with farm responsibilities, but connecting with them allows me to reach that carefree inner child, to remind her to come out to play once in a while.