Dear Curiosity Journal,

On the day of the eclipse, it seems fitting to play with the concepts of darkness, light, and new beginnings through planting seeds. Driftless Curiosity board members, Taylor and Diana came out to the farm to help with seeding 3,500 flowers of 15 unique varieties. We’re planting a collage of annuals, perennials, ornamentals, medicinals, old favorites, and new experiments. These blooms will be planted throughout the farm to support pollinators, repel pests (marigolds), and share their aesthetic and aromatic delight. We will also be giving out bouquets to Driftless Curiosity flower members for each event they attend. I’m super grateful to Taylor and Diana for volunteering to help with growing flowers again this year. Their dedication to the organization and willingness to learn new things, get their hands in the dirt, and put in hours (after their full-time jobs) is truly amazing.
