Dear Curiosity Journal,

I’ve had my eye on two Jacobs sheep ewe lambs, and Saturday morning, I reached out to Rainbow Meadow’s Farm and reserved them. They will be weaned and joining us on May 3rd. The lamb on the main page (with the darker markings) is Ann and the first lamb below (with the lilac coloring) is Vanilla. The last two photos are the same lambs, just a little bit younger. I have a goal to expand and diversify the Driftless Curiosity flock for better fiber production, and I think these two ladies will make a lovely addition to the family. Jacob’s sheep are an “old-world breed” known for their hardiness, parasite resistance, docile temperament, and unique fleece. Last summer, Nadia Alder taught a Driftless Curiosity workshop on raising sheep and goats. She raises Jacob’s sheep, and spoke very highly of them, which first sparked my curiosity. I can’t wait to meet them next Sunday when I join Rainbow Meadows Farms for their shearing day!
