Dear Curiosity Journal,

On Saturday, I traveled to Kinstone megalithic gardens near Fountain City for a writing workshop led by author Tracy Chipman titled, “Betwixt, Between, and Beyond – Writing with the Ancestors”. We were twelve women, encircled together, surrounded by stone, gathering to turn inward and seek depth. The hostesses held the space with a loving intention that cultivated openness, vulnerability, interconnection, tears, and healing. We practiced embodied presence, wrote, read, told stories, meditated, walked through the sculpture garden, and connected to a trilogy of ancestors – blood, land, and soul. I’ll share some of the sentences that bubbled up for me. 

What is an ancestor? Defined by death –

Where are they now, but in the past tense –

A character playing in memory recall –

A heroine, a life lesson, an ethereal soul –

When skin and bone no longer set your boundaries,

You expand into love, longevity, and liminal space. 

From betwixt, from between, from beyond –

You stroll through spirals of light –

You leave a trail of feathers –

If the physical is the fruiting body of the fungi

We now connect through the unspoken undercurrent,

The mycelium mass of the infinite, shared by all. 
