Dear Curiosity Journal,

Life feels out of balance when there are no cloudy, wet days to offset all of the sunny dry ones. So when those clouds finally burst open and the land was saturated, it was enough to make a farmer cry tears of joy. The last time I took this much delight in the sight of a puddle, I was just a child. The clouds drop down a redundant epiphany; water is fundamental to flourishing. I sense a mirrored joy in the flowers, so today I share a poem by Kim Glover about hearing flowers after the rain.

after the rain

i hear flowers

after the wind

i see songs

after the lightning

i feel choices

after the storms

i smell hope

after it all

i taste life

come again, sweet rain

bring me

my senses

come again, sweet rain

sing me

your peace

come again, sweet rain

let me taste life

after the rain

i hear flowers