Dear Curiosity Journal,
Planting petaled forms for the pure purpose of bringing beauty into the world is an act of peace and self love. Pulling the pleasures of vibrant hues and sweet scents from miniscule seed pods with care and earth ingredients holds an essence of magic. The anticipation, the cycles of watching and watering, and finally the dreamy emergence of flower heads carries us along on a current like a love affair, invoking inner work and holding up a mirror to our own patterns of germinating, budding, blooming, and going to seed. Each season, my flower vision expands and this year I am determined to work toward my goal of developing the Driftless Curiosity Flower Park, a carefully curated aesthetic experience on the land which beckons visitors to step into the enchanting world of floral wonder. Each season we add perennials, experiment with annuals, fall in love with new favorites, figure out how to incorporate more growing space, and follow our dream of co-creating heaven on earth.