Dear Curiosity Journal,
When Rufus and I walk the asparagus patch, we harvest spears until our arms are full and then throw down a pile. On our second loop through the field, I drive the old farm truck while Rufus rides on the back, periodically hopping off, collecting bundles into crates, and hopping back on. The transmission of the beat up farm truck has been worn down by two generations of Haucke off-roading and can be a little tricky. While shifting into second gear, I let the clutch out a smidge too early and sent Rufus tumbling into the field. I looked in my side mirror, wondering why he wasn’t collecting the spears, and saw him dusting himself off a ways back. “Oh my god! Are you okay?! – I’m so sorry”. He was fine, but momentarily faked a limp while making fun of my driving. “You might want to take it easy going into second”. I laughed nervously and vowed to transition more gently. Yikes.