Dear Curiosity Journal,

The cauliflower clouds held onto their watery trappings just long enough for us to host the Foraging for Spring Edibles workshop without getting wet. It was truly a pleasure to share one of our favorite spring activities with new friends. We harvested lambs’ quarter, chickweed, dandelion, nettles, creeping charlie, rhubarb, parsnip, burdock, sunchokes, ramps, and spring beauties. We also looked at a few spears of asparagus just starting to poke their heads out. I focused on what Yarrow Willard calls “people plants”, the ones that follow us wherever we go and we can’t get rid of them (dandelions, nettles, burdocks, etc.) . In a physical sense, they follow us because they thrive in disturbance and humans are the masters of disturbance. In a metaphysical sense, they follow us because we need them. People and plants are made for each other. They are so incredibly good for us and help to naturally heal some of the most common health conditions of our time. They are probably right outside your door waving a bright yellow flower or reaching out with a sting beckoning you to get curious.
