Dear Curiosity Journal,
On Sunday, 4 gold star volunteers (plus Rufus and I) planted the first two rows of the 600 foot marigold bed. On Monday, I finished the other two rows. When Rufus did the marigold math, it was over 2,000 transplants that I put in the ground. I wasn’t certain about the rain, so I also hand-watered each plant with a 5 gallon bucket and a measuring cup. This field is far from our irrigation lines, so my fingers were crossed for a steady rain. When I laid my muscle fatigued body down for the night, I smiled into my pillow when I heard the rain start to come down in earnest. What takes me an hour, Mother Nature can accomplish in minutes without moving a muscle. I fall asleep with gratitude for the proper soaking, knowing that this will give the marigolds a jump start in the garden. In the morning, they look happy as can be, with standing water in the field to spare. The right amount of rain is a beautiful thing for a farmer to behold.