Dear Curiosity Journal, 

These happy little hogs are thankful for fresh pasture. Before we started our Thanksgiving cooking projects, we put in some time finalizing the pig fence so they could feast as well. Our first attempt at putting them on this pasture was a failure. The double hot wire did not do the trick. They got shocked, ran through it, and were free. We needed to put an additional physical barrier for them to visualize the boundaries and learn their new paddock. Short on fencing supplies, we used a motley mélange of round bales, chicken wire tables, woven wire, electrical mesh, and boards. It may be the scrappiest ¼ acre barricade you’ve ever seen, but it’s only temporary, until they “respect” the double hot wire. It took them a while to cross the line where we opened the old fence up, but once they figured out there was no jolting boundary, they all rushed into the open field. It was so satisfying to watch them eating grass, digging in the soil, and exploring their new spot. Observing them in all the glory of their truest piggy nature was a gratifying moment and when they approached me with their soiled snouts in the air, I interpreted their grunts as grateful ones. 
