Dear Curiosity Journal,
We said a tearful goodbye as our new friends, Dana Albany, Flash, Cjay, Caboose, DK, and Silky left for the airport on Tuesday. I’m in awe of the bonds human beings are capable of forming through artistic immersion. We all dove into this creative collaboration with our whole heart. I can’t even name all of the obstacles which were overcome, the work hours that were put in, the emotions that were navigated, the creative energy that ebbed and flowed, the sleep that was lost, the miles that were walked, or the decisions that were questioned along the way, but bumping up against life’s opportunities and challenges with people who share an artistic passion builds far more than exhibits. We grow community, inner capacities, co-creativity, and kinship. One of my favorite activities of the weekend was when my friend, Shanna, spoke during lunch on Saturday about the metaphysical aspects of the metal element from the perspective of Chinese medicine, discussing how the 5 elements (metal, fire, water, earth, wood) manifest in our own make-up. Reflecting on the weekend, I envision how we’ve impacted, challenged, and balanced each other elementally by coming together and appreciate a fresh perspective of how forming bonds with a diverse group of friends supports our growth. I processed all of these emotions and more as Rufus and I packed our second week of the summer CSA share, not even skipping a beat between hosting and harvesting, waving our final goodbye from the field. What a crazy counterculture life we live up here. Anyways, it’s been a while since I’ve posted a sunhat selfie and a picture of Rufus bending over, so here you go! We fully collapsed after this harvest though.